17th November

The 17th of November is a date that had absolutely no meaning to me at all. That is until last year. It was one year ago today that my book was published. It was hardly the usual book launch, on TV we were watching as they announced the devastating impact of Covid; and little did I realise that just 12 weeks later, my 90-year-old mother would be one of the victims. There was no book signing, no wine and cheese, just me videoed opening my book.  

But it was an amazing thing. To see the book I had been writing, on Amazon, to see my name in print, and family photos on the front cover. Who would have thought that my old school photo would be on a book cover?

Before Mum succumbed to Covid, she had read the stories of Lamlash Street, she had relived those times, and she was smiling as she was reading my book. That for me will always be the best thing about all the effort that went into it. We would sit and talk about who would play Mums character, who would she see on the big silver screen acting out her early life….it was pure fantasy, but a nice one to play with. And when you are 90 and feel like your life is over, it’s nice to even think that what you did in your early life still has meaning to others.

In the last year, I also had Covid and my cousin almost died of it too, my brother and my friend also had it and all at the same time. But also, I have been a guest on 20 plus podcasts, and hopefully motivated at least one or two people to write down their own family stories. I also am slowly learning about advertising through social media. I now have an author website and Face Book page. 

So, despite the enormous damage that Covid did to our family. I also had experiences that I did not foresee… and they were good ones. They changed me for the better and led me down a path far more challenging and exciting than I anticipated.

So now the 17th of November is a very special day in my life .. it was the day that a new door opened for me and my family stories became immortal through publication. And for that reason, I am starting my second book… to see what other doors I can open in life!

Take care
